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₹ 8,000 (+ GST) 


A trademark that has been registered under the Trademarks Act is

only valid for a period of ten years. Trademark renewal is highly important as it allows the holder of a particular trademark to maintain their ownership over a specific mark. If the owner of the trademark fails to renew their trademark within this prescribed period of ten years,

they lose the protection that comes with a valid trademark. Ideally, the trademark should always be renewed six months before your trademark is set to elapse.


A trademark distinguishes your brand from others and plays a vital role in maintaining your brand’s image. By renewing your trademark in a timely manner, you will protect your brand image and your ownership rights over the registered trademark. Trademark renewal will allow you to get legal help if anyone tries to infringe upon your trademark. If a trademark is not
renewed, it affects not only the proprietor but all those licensed or assigned to the trademark. So it is in your best interests

to ensure the renewal of your trademark.

Documents required:

  1. PAN card and address proof of the applicant

  2. Trademark Registration Certificate that was issued by the registry
  3. Power of Attorney
  4. A copy of the TM-A that was filed for registration of trademark
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