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The Internet has multiplied the probabilities of business entities to stretch their reach to more and more people, within and beyond the territory they dwell in...


Nobody wants to miss the possibility of expanding itself beyond boundaries and to excel into its business that’s the reason why every business entity has a website today, regardless of its size and nature of the business.The websites also take information of the client, either by a ‘Login’ option or by getting a ‘Form’ filled by the client with an intention to analyze and understand their client, their choices, their taste, their interest, their preferences, etc.

The business entity can also use such information and analysis to advertise or to market their new or existing products or services to the prevailing clients also on those that are their prospective clients to whom they reach by accessing the knowledge shared, knowingly or unknowingly, by their clients or by persons accessing their websites.

Collecting such personal information from people and using it further for business advantage may be a good and effective way of promoting and growing a business but only as far because the people sharing the knowledge are conscious of it. 



If the private information so provided by the people is employed by the business entity for its benefit

or otherwise, without the knowledge of the people, if such information is shared, it would be a

punishable offense.



A privacy policy is a legal document (in privacy law) that discloses some or all of the ways a celebration gathers, uses, discloses, and manages

a customer or client's data. Personal information can be anything
which will be used to identify an individual, not limited to the person's name, address, date of birth, marital status, contact information, ID issue, and expiry date, financial records, credit information, medical record, where one travels, and intentions to accumulate goods and services.


Our experienced professionals will draft whichever document you need, tailored to your business requirements. We offer every client  a free consultation call to

thoroughly discuss their requirements and clarify any doubts they may have after which a customized document is drafted, according to every client’s specific needs.

Let us draft a Privacy Policy for you, personalized and customized according to your specific needs.

Types of 'Personal Information' in Privacy Policy?

Personal Information covered under Privacy Policy includes (with reference
to a person):
1. Name
2. Address
3. Date of Birth
4. Contact Information
5. ID’s issue and expiry date
6. Financial Records
7. Credit information
8. Medical history
9. Location


A Privacy Policy is a legal document, on the website of the entity, which discloses the ways the entity owning the website gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data. Thus, a private information that's shared by any person, shall not be used or shared with the third party without the knowledge of such person whose information is shared. The Privacy Policy thus fulfills the legal requirement to guard a customer or client's privacy.



  • Following shall be the essential content of the Privacy Policy.

  • Description of the information collected also as cookies set.

  • Description of how information collected from users or clients is used.

  • Explanation on how the information is protected.

  • How third party ads could also be delivered and what information could also be collected.

  • Information on how to access the online account file.

  • Procedure on the way to cop out of emails.

  • If and the way site could also be used by minors and what information may be collected.

  • Specific explanation that transmission of knowledge over the web might not be secure.

  • Address, email address, where a user can write their query or grievances to.


A constitutional bench of the Supreme Court declared 'Privacy' as a fundamental right in 2017.

Privacy Law in India

The Constitution of India gives Right to Privacy which is a fundamental right under Article 21 which also secures Right to Life and personal Liberty of its citizens.

In 2011, the Legislation had passed new rules that apply to companies and consumers which required that any organization that collects and/or processes Personal information must obtain a written consent
from the data subjects before

undertaking certain activities.

Information Technology
Act on Privacy Policy

The Information Technology Act, 2000 was amended and a few additions were made to create ‘Privacy’ of citizens more secured and ensure to penalize the person taking undue advantage of

such information.

The said additions deal with:
Implementation of reasonable security practices for sensitive personal data or information and provides for the compensation of the person suffering from wrongful loss or wrongful gain. (Sec 43A)

imprisonment for a period up to 3 years and/or a fine up to Rs. 500,000 for an individual who causes wrongful loss or wrongful gain by disclosing personal information of another person while providing services under the terms of lawful contract. (Sec 72A)

Legal Compulsion on
having Privacy Policy

Having Privacy Policy is mandatory as per Law. Besides laws in India, Privacy Laws around the world mandates that if you collect personal information from your website visitors, then you need to have a
Privacy Policy posted on your site.

Thus, not only as to abide by the laws of India but also to comply with the laws of other nations and to satisfy the requirements of third party service providers, it's advisable to own a privacy policy so that no uninvited loss is suffered by the organization due to legal penalty for non-compliance.

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