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Interested to know about the services we offer?
Let us help you with your permanent patent application!
Click below to get started 


The permanent patent gives an exclusive legal right of an inventor, giving the inventor the legal authority to prohibit anyone from making

or using a particular invention. The validity of the patent is for 20 years after which it comes back into the public domain. The 20-year validity is set to motivate people to invent. The patent holder has the right to sue anyone who infringes the patent and has the right to decide on who to sell, assign, or license the said patent.


Exclusive authority of invention

Getting a patent gives the owner the right to prevent others from using, making, importing

or selling patentee’s invention without his/her approval. Sue the third party in case of infringement.

Monetary Returns
Increases your credibility in the market

If an invention is patented, indirectly boosts up the brand recognition and empower the business to
charge a premium price to the customers. Especially, if a product that has great usefulness and demand in the market and would help to expand the valuation of the patentee’s business.

The patent is a great asset and has a potential to extract bigger monetary benefits than any other
intellectual property. The owner has the power

to license, assign or sell its patent whenever needed. Many pharmaceutical companies have made great profits through their patented products by ways of licensing, assigning, etc.

Documents required for filing a Permanent Patent Application: 

  • Title of the invention

  • Name, address, contact details and nationality of each applicant for the patent.

  • Detailed description of the Invention

  • Technical details about the invention and drawings along with copy of Provisional patent (if filed)

  • DSC of Applicant

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